Provisional 2016 VLN Calendar released

It was only a couple of weeks ago that we were enjoying the final VLN of 2015, and already the 2016 dates have been released.


And even if you don’t come to the Nürburgring to enjoy the VLN, these dates can be really useful for planning your public driving trips too.

19.03.2016VLN TestVLN Einstellfahrten
02.04.2016VLN1ADAC-Westfalen e.V.
16-17.04.2016N24Q, GLP, RCNADACADAC Qualifikationsrennen 24h-Rennen
30.04.2016VLN2Renngemeinschaft Düren e.V. DMV
14.05.2016VLN3AC Altkreis Schwelm e.V. im ADAC
26-29.05.2016N24, WTCC, RCNADAC
11.06.2015RCN, GLP
17-19.06.2016Eifel RennenADAC-Westfalen e.V.Historic Trophy Nürburgring
25.06.2016VLN4MSC Adenau e.V. im ADAC
09.07.2016RCN, GLP
16.07.2016VLN5Dortmunder MC e.V. im ADAC
06.08.2016RCN, GLP
12-14.08.2016OGPA.v.D. Oldtimer GP
20.08.2016VLN6Rheydter Club für Motorsport e.V. DMV
27.08.2016RCN, GLP
03.09.2016VLN7MSC Ruhr-Blitz Bochum e.V. im ADAC6-hour race
17.09.2016RCN, GLP
24.09.2016VLN8MSC Sinzig e.V. im ADAC
01.10.2016RCN, GLP
08.10.2016VLN9AC Monheim e.V. DMV
22.10.2016VLN10MSC Münster e.V. DMV

But I don’t care about VLN races, just public driving!

You should still take note that 90% of VLN weekends take the following format:

Friday: VLN free practice from 4pm to 6pm. NO PUBLIC DRIVING
Saturday: VLN qualifying from 8.20am to 10am. Race from 12pm to 4pm. Possible public driving from 6pm to 6.30pm (but any delays or red flags will ruin it)
Sunday: Normally 8am to 7pm public driving.

So when you add these dates to the big events already in the Nürburgring Event Calendar, you should start to be able to make some guesses about the TF calendar… 😉

Should I email you, personal message you, phone you at 3am to ask you if you have the 2016 public opening times early?

No. I’m quite sick of this. From today I will NOT answer any of these queries. Please rest assured that I don’t know the public dates for 2016, and that within minutes of me knowing I will post them here on BTG in the usual place.



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