#CLUB1000 races ahead

From concept to car-buying in only a few days, that’s the crazy reality of the new #Club1000!


There’s a lot for me to get ready, and if you’ve not read the blog post that precipitated this, I suggest you go there right now.

While I’ve been busy getting the logos, artwork, and calendar ready, potential members have already been out buying cars!

The Yaris 1.0 VVTi is proving an early leader, as this poll shows, with many other members looking at K11 Micras. The purple Suzuki Wagon R wins style points just for the colour though!

Black Fish have helped me out with the first version of the logo you can see above.

I’ll be finalising the rules soon, but we’ve got some great trackdays and meets lined up, and we’re aiming to open the 2018 season at the Nürburgring on Easter weekend.

Watch this space!

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